Air Temperature Sensor
Precision thermistor potted in a nickel-plated, brass probe that is 1/2" O.D. and 1.00" in length. Includes 60', 22 AWG, 2-wire, UV protected cable.
Cat. No. I-ATS
Weight 1 lbs
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Outside Humidity Sensor
Outside humidity sensor for Stratus only, housed in a sintered bronze enclosure with 60' cable.
Cat. No. OHSW
Weight 1 lbs
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Power Supply
Power Supply
Cat. No. PS
Weight 0.5 lbs
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Rain Collector
Tipping bucket, self-emptying rain collector. 8" diameter openning meets NWS specifications for size and accuracy
Cat. No. I-RC
Weight 1 lbs
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Replacement Switch for Maximum Rain collector
Replacement switch assembly for Maximum Rain Collectors manufactured after January 1996.
Cat. No. RS
Weight 1 lbs
| $25.00 |
Sensor Evaluation Kit
This sensor evaluation kit
Cat. No. I-SEK
Weight 1 lbs
| $150.00 |
Water Temperature Sensor
Intended for boats, pools and hot tubs, this precision thermistor is potted in a solid Naval bronze rod, bored to accept the thermistor in its very end, along with potted wiring
Cat. No. I-WTS
Weight 1 lbs
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Wind Direction Distributor & Vane
Ideal for applications where precise wind direction is not a requirement
Cat. No. I-WDDV
Weight 1 lbs
| $135.00 |
Wind Speed Sensors
Maximum 3-cup anemometers have proven themselves in wind tunnel tests,
Cat. No. Anemometer
Weight 1 lbs
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