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Home: EcoVantage Catalog: Weather Instrumentation: Temperature Indicators:

Outdoor Temperature w/Memory Mini-Max
Cat. No. Mini-Max
Weight 1 lbs

Outside temperature is indicated inside with this remote-reading thermometer weather instrument.

Move the toggle switch at the bottom of the case right or left and the indicator needle will move to high or low temperature since last reset.

Features dual scale (Fahrenheit and Celsius) and adjustable temperature minder to let you dial in current temperature and note any change.

Ships complete with AC adapter and outdoor temperature sensor with 60' cable.

  • Outside temperature readings from -30 to 120 degrees Fahrenheit (-36 to 47 Celsius)
  • Electronic memory retains High & Low reading until reset by user
  • Mechanical temperature minder lets you note cshanges in temperature 
  • Solid Brass case

Temperature: +/-1 degree Fahrenheit (+/-0.5 degrees Celsius)
Case: 6.5" O.D. x 2.75" Deep
Dial: 4.75" Diameter
Weight: 1.52 lbs.
Power: 110V AC Adapter


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