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The Green Choice PFC - Power Factor Correction
Cat. No. PR200R
Weight 10 lbs

Any motored device will run significantly cooler and consume much less power.
  • Refrigerators-Well Pumps-Freezers-Fans-Dehumidifiers
  • Pools & Hot Tubs-Power Tools-Dish Washers
  • Air Conditioners-Garbage Disposal-Washers/Dryers

All other appliances including stereo equipment, TVs and computers will benefit from cleaner energy. The surge protected electricity also extends their life expectancy.

Reduce Your Carbon footprint
Money isn't all that you are saving when you use Power Factor Correction Device. It's an energy-wise purchasing decision with many positive environmental implications. Power Suppliers also benefit by being able to supply power to more customers without the generation or acquisition of additional power.

Reduces to the need for Surge Protection devices
  • Reduces 'noise' in the electrical system 
  • Reduces electricity required by inductive loads (motors)!
  • Enhances capacity of existing electrical system!
  • Eliminates harmful power surges!
  • Protects appliances and sensitive electronic equipment!
  • Increases motor and appliance life
Single Phase
Single phase with a 200 amp inductive load limit. 

Primarily use is residential applications and also small business with single phase power.  Can be used in three phase environments on single phase panels.Single Phase units are 110-220 volt; Standard color is tan; All are NEMA3r rate

Three Phase
Three phase with up to 1000 amp inductive load limit. 

Used in commercial applications i.e. fast food, service stations, hotels, manufacturing etc.All three phase units are 208-480 voltStandard color is grey; All are NEMA3r rated

PR200R SINGLE 110/220 200
PR400SP SINGLE 110/220 400
PR200C THREE 208/480 200
PR400C THREE 208/480 400
PR600C THREE 208/480 600
PR1000C THREE 208/480 1000


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