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Home: EcoVantage Catalog: Solar: Attic Fans/Ventalation:

Solar Chill Truck Cool
Cat. No. SWS-1012HP
Weight 15 lbs

This small 12 volt evaporative cooler plugs into a 12 volt accessory plug, and will not reduce your fuel milage and deliver about 400 CFM of evaportive cooled air. It is only designed to cool the cab of a pickup.   Water needs to be added periodically, and consuption will depend on the humidity and temperature.

This little cooler is perfect for a small space like a "toy hauller" small camper, extended or 4 door pick-up cab, or 125 square feet.
FAN: 10" Diameter
Volts: 12 VDC
Power High Fan: 40 Watts
Power Low Fan: 25 Watts
Wet Pad: 6" CelDek
Dimensions: HxLxW:  14"x18"x18"
Dry Weight: 15 Lbs
CFM: 400 Cubic Feet per Minute
Water Storage: 4.5 Gallons


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