IEG magnetic circuit breakers provide reliable circuit
protection and accurate circuit control for equipment in the
international market place. IEG models meet IEC spacing requirements,
which is mandatory for equipment, which must comply with IEC
specifications 601 and 950 and VDE specifications 0804 and 0805. In
addition, they are UL recognised, CSA Certified, VDE approved to VDE
0660, Part 101 and CE Compliant.
Designed using the latest in sensitive hydraulic magnetic
technology, the IEG line adapts itself to many applications and
environments. They are ideal for marine applications, data processing
and business machines, as well as medical instrumentation, broadcast
equipment, vending and amusement machines, military applications and
wherever precision operation is required.
Temperature differences, which affect fuses and other thermal
devices, are not a concern.
One important feature of this breaker line is a ‘trip free’ action,
which means the circuit will trip in the presence of an overload even
though the handle is held in the ON position. The delay mechanism
senses the fault and the contacts open.
The IEG is available in single or double pole with triple pole
available on special orders.